Monday, August 24, 2009

Bridal magazines galore....

I think I found a new hobby... collecting bridal magazines!!!! I just love them... well not all of them. I prefer the US magazines that I have which came from my friend Lynn. She gave it to me when she arrived last July for some work here. It has more dresses and I made me really love a simpler bridal gown. My mom also tagged some pages to get inspiration for her dress!

Some of the magazine are really just ads! I can't belief that it will contain so much ads. I love the one from Wedding Essentials which I got just yesterday. Christian and I got some ideas that we can incorporate in our wedding. Maybe try to DIY some stuff in it to. The magazine is really making me want a themed wedding. I have an idea but I am not yet really sure. I wanna set it all up first before I share it with Christian.

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